“People act crazy when there is too little money and they act crazy when there is a lot of it or the promise of it.”
Communications and technology for media and nonprofits
By josh mack
“People act crazy when there is too little money and they act crazy when there is a lot of it or the promise of it.”
By josh mack
I’ve been talking to a potential client about how one could look at data across an organization to make informed decisions and track progress. One step to this may involve consolidating services and a big overhaul of systems but Looker might be an answer that would let us avoid or lessen that effort. The ability to play with data without the need for a programmer is really appealing. We all talk about making product decisions off of data but I’ve rarely seen it as a driver in real-life experience so the idea of being able to have greater flexibility and ease to play with data and make decisions from it would be great.
Looker launches out of stealth with $2M to make manual SQL queries a thing of the past.
By josh mack
By josh mack
Relationship Science is like a LinkedIn for the 1%. It connects their profiles, organizations, board affiliations, schools, family information, and charitable giving. Intended for bankers and businessmen it would be great for not-for-profit development work.
via Relationship Science Plans Database of Names and Connections – NYTimes.com.
By josh mack
By josh mack
This list by Lisa Williams, founder of placeblogger.com, is a good guide to figuring out whether to take on a project or launch that next big idea.
For reference, here are my personal rules on whether or not I’ll take on a project. If they don’t pass these four tests, I don’t do it.
Don’t do anything for free that you wouldn’t do for free indefinitely. If you do your own startup, it’s almost inevitable that you’re going to work for free for some period of time. If you don’t love it enough to do that, you don’t love it enough to devote a couple of years of your life to it.
Startups come and go. Friends and family are forever. Don’t take a project that will move you further away from friends of family, literally or figuratively. I won’t take a project that I think will screw up — or even slightly dent — any relationships in my life. Period.
“Everything About Something.” Good startups are “narrowly comprehensive” — in otherwords, everything about something. A site with a few restaurant reviews is nice. A site with all the restaurant reviews is Yelp.
What can I do without assistance or permission? If I can’t get started on a project without getting a lot of technical assistance, or a lot of money…well, it might be a good startup idea, but it’s probably not a good startup idea for me.
It’s important to note that for me, a startup must pass ALL these tests. Making a project run the gauntlet of these tests cuts out all but a very few ideas.
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